Why We Need an Effective MS4 Permit

Pollutants from residential and industrial runoff impact our waters, putting public health and natural ecosystems at risk. So, how does this relate to the Region 8 MS4 permit, and what […]

Helping Our Community Conserve Water

Since July 2023, we’ve partnered with the State of California and local organizations on crucial community outreach campaigns that directly impact Inland Empire residents. These campaigns cover a broad spectrum […]

Do You Qualify for A Yard Transformation Rebate?

home with drought resistant plants in yard

The majority of at-home water usage is caused by outdoor irrigation. Many of our landscapes have grass turf or non-water-wise plants unsuitable for our drier, hotter California climate and require […]

Inland Empire Waterkeeper Adopts Martha McLean Park

Inland Empire Waterkeeper (Waterkeeper), a nonprofit organization preserving local water quality, has adopted Martha McLean-Anza Narrows Park in partnership with the City of Riverside Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Department […]

New Grants Allow Our Education Program to Expand

We’re thrilled to announce not just one, but two exciting grant victories! Let’s dive into how each grant is helping us further our mission of providing equitable access to environmental […]

Tips for Staying Healthy this Holiday Season

beautiful clouds, trees, rock, and lake

This holiday season, we’re joining forces with Inland Empire community groups and the State of California to help keep the members of our watershed healthy. December is known for snowy […]

Simple Tips for a Water-Wise Thanksgiving

happy thanksgiving feast and cheers

Leer in Español (Cuidemos Nuestra Agua) As we gather to give thanks this holiday season, let’s also be mindful of our water usage. With the Thanksgiving feast often bringing a deluge […]

How to Stay Cool in the SoCal Sun

How to Stay Cool in the SoCal Sun

Leer En Español California is experiencing more frequent episodes of extreme heat due to the worsening climate crisis. Extreme heat can be hazardous and even deadly if people are not […]